Although it's hard to be 100% sure graffiti "artists" can't scratch up your storefront at night, there are several ways you can discourage them from choosing your business. If you can convince them that picking on your building isn't worth it and that your business will be harder to vandalize than most, they'll decide it's not worth their time and your building will be relatively safe. Here are three methods you can use to protect your reputation, your store's appearance, and your building maintenance budget by preventing this type of vandalism.
1. Protecting with plastic
There's a window-coating product on the market that you can use to discourage and minimize damage by protecting your window glass. This product takes the form of a thin film of sturdy, tough plastic that's difficult to scratch and insulates your windows from damage. Anyone who wants to create graffiti on a window will have an easier time picking on an unprotected one, so this is a good preventive method. In addition, the film makes any necessary scratch repairs easier by absorbing most of the damage so your glass won't be affected as much. You can ask your window cleaner or a contractor who repairs graffiti damage about where to obtain this product and how to apply it.
2. Repelling vandals
Because vandalizing your building with graffiti is a crime, graffiti "artists" seek out buildings that seem less protected and cared for, have less visibility, and have dim lighting. You should make sure the opposite of this is true of your building: make it clear that your building is cared for and protected by installing numerous security cameras, keeping the entire area well lit, and adding motion-sensing floodlights to scare off anyone who thought they'd go for it anyway.
3. Using design and landscape aspects
As a continuation of the above point, you can use landscaping and building design elements to further discourage vandalism. For example, a prickly hedge in front of each window can be a real deterrent to anyone who wants to scratch their name in it. You can also make sure lines of sight are open and there's nowhere to lurk unseen; keep trees away from the building so they don't cast shadows, and use only smallish, well-trimmed shrubs and bushes.
Use these tips to help you shield your windows from harm and transform your building into an environment that doesn't attract vandals and graffiti artists. For advice on implementing these three steps, consult with a window repair professional like those at Builders Door & Window.